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Where to Start: Getting Healthy (National Chiropractic Health Month)

Where to start getting healthy
Hey Body Wave Community,

In case you were looking for a reason to celebrate: happy National Chiropractic Health Month (October)! Have you wondered where to start, for you or a family member, to get healthy? Does that thought feel energized, or overwhelming? If it feels overwhelming, it helps to first get clarity.

Why is Clarity so Critical?

Increasing clarity decreases anxiety. Then you’ll have the energy to get started. Read on for an organized view of chiropractic health, so you can effortlessly take that next step.

A few quick office updates:

  • We have a new logo and look for Body Wave! We’re excited about the upgrade and hope you like it too.
  • Our SRI class on Oct. 18th is full; we’ve added another one on Oct. 25th (at 12:15pm).
  • Congrats to Karla S, the winner of our Chiropractic Crossword (we hope you ENJOY your massage with Deb)


What are you moving towards? What does your goal even look like?

Here’s an example of what your optimal health vision might include:

  • Quality, restful sleep.
  • Less stress and pain.
  • Strong and alert posture.
  • A mind that’s calm and at ease.
  • Adapting to what’s coming your way.
  • Enjoying life.

Wow! Yes!

This is a bigger picture than having no pain and just getting through the day. When you know what you want, your actions can line up right.

Are you going to use chiropractic to help you get there?

Your spine has something to do with how healthy you are. (That sentence may sound weird).

But isn’t health based on how much we exercise, how much junk food we eat, and if we have good genes?”

I get it. We think of the spine with posture and pain, but not as a driver of how healthy we are. Here’s how it works:

When stress builds up, your spine and nerves go into defense. And if that’s not quickly reset back to ease, your body follows into ‘lock-down': a downward health spiral. When your spine and nerves are trained to be at ease and relaxed, the rest of your body does its best work. Now you can keep up with daily demands and have extra energy to get healthy. Working with the spine and nerves as a primary health strategy makes things easier. You can upgrade this (foundational) missing link that modulates how healthy you are.


Using chiropractic to help you get healthy: is it time for action?

NO: Maybe you’ve got too much on your plate right now. What you can do instead: Rest. Let your vision of a healthier future expand (in a relaxed, efficient way), so you look forward to taking action. Use this time to simplify things that create stress: consider a “Stop-Doing” list instead of adding more.

YES: Start chiropractic care for nerve system regulation, that’s the first domino. It helps everything else go easier and work better. As well, focus on adding that next easy lifestyle step that’s right in front of you. It’ll help to practice SRI, and start building self-awareness and a self-regulating capacity in your nervous system.

Ask: what are the few things I can focus on with intentionality, and do really well, consistently.

Community: Find real-life and virtual people (and podcasts) having this same conversation, optimizing instead of reacting, seeking to take responsibility for their life experience. Learn from others and share ideas with those around you; you’ll gain momentum when you’re in community.

Increased clarity will decrease anxiety and inaction. You can enjoy the ease and energy linked to a healthy spine and nerves. Work from a clear set of principles and strategies to promote health, instead of putting out fires.

Thank you for reading and for being part of this community! If we can help you or someone in your life start to experience this, we look forward to hearing from you.


Dr. Laura

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