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What We've Been Up To

What we've been up to
Hey Body Wave Community,

Wow, the transition towards fall and fall schedules is upon us! I’ve been loving these darker mornings and not having to mow as often.

Read on to hear a bit about what we’ve been up to this summer. And then later – we could use your opinion:

What would you like us to offer to help you understand and engage more with NetworkSpinal Chiropractic and your path to getting healthy, to help your process be more coherent, energized and efficient?

Summer Highlights

This has to start with a shout out to Racheal for her August chalkboard. Well done, people loved it! We heard lots of discussion about freezing vs. canning tomatoes.


I’ve been swapping out work projects for family time this summer, which has felt super restorative. Many of you know my older sister’s family just adopted 3 kids; she brought them here for 5 weeks in July and August so we had plenty of time to bond with those cuties. Here we are out at the farm I grew up on, floating them down the Sugar River.

After a few years of almost zero travel, I’m turning back towards my more typical routine of attending ongoing NetworkSpinal (chiropractic technique) trainings several times a year. It’s a chance to connect with other docs from around the country, catch up on the latest technique efficiency upgrades, and be immersed in this approach which has fascinated me for the last 25 years.

Here’s our group from a training in Dallas I did in July:



This trip also included my first UBER ride!

Even with all my past travel, I’m late to this game for sure. Travel highlight: requesting an UBER, in Dallas, and having my chiropractic friends Kelly and Shannon from MPLS getting out of the car that was picking me up! It felt like a small, friendly world in that moment. They switched plans and went with me on my errand to Whole Foods for weekend snacks. (Liz Z, I thought of your travel affirmation ;)


One office task that finally was attended to was getting updated website pictures.

They are currently being edited, but stay tuned for some fancy new images on our website and socials. Thanks Maxine, Jennifer and Jen (+ kids) for being such lovely models. And to Beth Skogen Photography for making it easy and delivering images we were excited about: we give you 5 stars!


A few quick admin things:

As our schedule continues to get busier, we’ve switched away from offering reevaluations and reports in the later evening times between 4:30 and 6 pm. Thanks for your understanding and flexibility on this, and for being able to fit those longer appointments in at other times.

Last: since we’ll be closed Monday, Sept. 5th for Labor Day, we do plan on offering afternoon appointments on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. And finally, we’d love your opinion on things we may offer in the future:

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