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What does the name ‘Body Wave' stand for?

raised-hands-together-sq-400 (1)One of the questions I get a lot when people start care is, what does the name ‘Body Wave’ stand for? With this care, your brain learns how to release stress held in your body. It’s a system upgrade, and happens through two spinal waves that develop. These waves are triggered by your brain switching out of fight or flight; in that moment your body instantly switches gears and starts to let go of the tension held in your back or neck.

Instantly? How?

Like how a light comes back on the second you flip the switch in a room.

Like when a dam is lifted and water rushes to even out the tension between high and low concentrations.

To give a context for these ‘upgrades’, let me tell you about my recent phone change.

I’d been happy with my iPhone 6 for many years. I was used to the way it worked and felt it was adequate for my needs.
Until I decided to create more video content for the office. Between storage space, processing speed, and video quality, I knew it was time for an upgrade.

Once I got the iPhone 11, I could see how clunky and time-consuming my 6 was to work with. Apps ran differently. Videos looked and sounded better, and I have plenty of storage space. Sharing video content was a breeze. My battery lasts so much longer!

I hadn’t realized how much I would appreciate this upgrade.

Like our phones, our bodies have an operating system that controls all functions: it’s the brain and connecting wires that carry instructions (signals) to the body. Our OS is called the nervous system.

The Network waves are an upgrade to your OS, and help release the stress coming at you that builds up if not addressed (sitting a lot lately? wondering when this pandemic is going to end? holiday stress eating?).

Instead of Apple deciding for you when these upgrades are available, you get to choose how you build these upgrades into your life.

Some people use a few sessions to help them with an ache or a pain, others schedule this care regularly to have a better life.

Now more about the two waves:

Respiratory Wave:

· The first wave to develop
· Your breath gently rocks each vertebra of the spine, from the tailbone all the way up to the skull and back
· It feels easy, energized, and spontaneous
· It’s your body letting go of tension

Somatopsychic Wave:

· There starts to be more advanced signaling along the spine during your adjustment (rocking specific vertebrae instead of only general movements)
· It looks like a sine wave or dolphin wave
· This wave is linked with a better ability to handle what’s coming at you – to bust stress in the moment

What do the waves feel like?

“A really good stretch I can’t get on my own.”
“A sense of relaxation and deeper breath on the table and between visits.”
“I suddenly feel energized and at ease in my body.”

These waves help stress fade into the background, and you can now be aware of deep, easy breathing, and the simple pleasure of standing, moving and sitting efficiently in your body.

With repetition and breathwork training, the body sets a new baseline and can self-correct between visits.
There are lots of other cool quality of life outcomes that are linked to your OS being able to run these more advanced wave programs.

If you are not yet part of the practice and would like to experience these stress busting spinal waves, we’d love to hear from you!


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