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Tips for Gut-Healthy Holiday Indulgence

4 Tips for Gut-HealthyMost of us can think of our favorite holiday treats – the one thing we might look forward to all year, and can’t say no to. The reality is, this time of year we all overdo it. Even if we normally have pretty healthy habits, we’re more tempted, distracted, and less intentional with our choices. Which can lead to a tired, dull, Netflix haze over the short amount of time you have off work, and then playing catch-up in the new year.

So before things start to slide, let’s add a little thoughtfulness to this month of indulgence. Think of it like putting up a set of holiday guard rails: you don’t have to say no to things you love, but instead get prepared so there’s less of a backslide and you can start the new year with energy.

These 4 tips will quickly remind you of the basics and help organize your thoughts so you can enjoy treats in a way that’s not depleting.

1. Prioritize sleep

Get your regular sleep. If you have the choice, pack all the holiday fun into your normal hours of operation. It’s hard to do; there’s a lot more going on. But saying no keeps your system steady and ready to handle those indulgences. If you can, stop eating 3 hours before bed to prevent insulin spikes, helping you sleep even better.

2. No sugar on an empty stomach

Have the donut after the salad. Simply, eat the healthy stuff first. For holiday cookie baking- make sure you’re already full when you have one! It’s a lot harder if you are going on an empty stomach; your brain will be slower to activate the brakes that help you feel satisfied.

3. Exercise to regulate insulin

Insulin resistance is when your body becomes sluggish in its response to insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels). This dominoes into fight/ flight hormones and other stress pathways in the body. Holidays are busy, so set the time for your workout first. Get your heart rate up and your muscles active and strong. You’ll have the best chance to
keep steady blood sugar and insulin, even with a few treats.

4. Microbiome

Good gut bacteria help prevent inflammation in your body. Dysbiosis is when there’s too few of the good gut bugs and too many of the bad; it’s like a garden with dry, depleted soil that doesn’t produce much. This leads to things like digestive problems, but can also be a stepping stone to other diseases and even mood disorders. What you eat will feed (and grow) either good or bad bacteria, so give extra attention to gut health before, during and after holidays.

Probiotics: living strains of good bacteria, found in supplements and fermented foods
Prebiotics: fiber from plants that provides food for the good bacteria to grow

Along with these basic tips, make sure your system is not stuck in stress overdrive – it’ll just make everything harder. Find moments for breathing, chiropractic, meditation… whatever works for you. With a little thought and attention, you can enjoy holiday treats with minimal guilt. Have a good strategy, know your body can handle it, and you’ll be right back on track in the new year.


Stay healthy and Happy Holidays,
Dr. Laura

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