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The Aging Brain: 7 of 8 Neuro Seminar Recap (My own risk factors for dementia)

The aging brain
I just completed the 7th of 8 seminars in the chiropractic neurology series I’ve been writing about. Still on the edge of my seat! Read on for highlights from this one on the aging brain.

Have you seen somebody slip away into Alzheimer’s?

It’s heartbreaking. The time to think about this stuff is now. By the time you notice memory loss, things have already been going downhill for 2-3 decades.

If you want a good life, you need a good brain.

Are you likely to have a weak, slow brain as you get older? Do your risk factors tip you towards trash buildup that clogs roadways in your brain? Some risk factors you can’t do anything about (called non-modifiable risk factors).


  • Binge drinking in my 20s
  • Concussion history
  • Years of poor sleep
  • (unsure: genetics?)

So, focus on ones that can change (called modifiable risk factors). Let me know if you’d like more info on any of these.

  • Time restricted eating
  • Address dys-glycemia
  • Address inflammation
  • Aerobic exercise: releases NGF (nerve growth factor). It’s the fuel that helps your brain cells change, so they can get cleaner and faster. Aim for 45 minutes, 5 times a week.
No matter what symptom is motivating you, your brain and nerve system are going to have to change to get you there.

Prevent dementia. Reverse dementia.

The aging brain seminarYes. We are starting to see, the brain can recover from bad aging. Up till now, FDA has approved 5 drugs for Alzheimer’s; however, NONE have been shown to have a disease-modifying effect. Meaning, they’re not going to turn things around.

If you want to know more about what’s possible for reversing cognitive decline, read this book: The End of Alzheimer’s (by Dale Bredesen).

Their ReCODE system is a way of plugging 36 ‘metabolic holes’ in your leaky roof – that lead to the buildup of ‘trash’ in the brain, which slows things down and causes problems. These docs are having some success, which has never been seen before with Alzheimer’s.

It makes me think – what about checking out these 36 factors, and getting them in line BEFORE you have even a hint of brain symptoms?

This is powerful stuff, folks. Whether you’ve seen a family member suffer, are starting to notice changes yourself, or just want to proactively stack the deck in your favor, having a better brain is possible.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Dr. Laura

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