Scoliosis Treatment at Body Wave Chiropractic

woman with overlay of curved spine on her backConsidered an abnormal curvature of the spine, scoliosis begins as a postural distortion. If scoliosis is left untreated it could become a permanent deformity.
There are three causes of scoliosis:

  • Congenital (genetic predisposition)
  • Habitual (behavioral routines)
  • Idiopathic (unknown cause)

Are There Obvious Clues?

A parent may notice that their child has a high shoulder or low hip that makes clothing fit poorly. Uneven shoe wear also may provide a clue. Children with scoliosis also may experience back and leg pains but these are usually dismissed as “growing pains.”

Wait and See?

Scoliosis may often worsen if left to just “run its course.” In severe cases a child may need to wear an unsightly or cumbersome brace or have surgery that attaches steel rods, forcing the spine to straighten.

Natural Approach

Chiropractic adjustments work to help to improve the spine’s structure, alignment and function. This result can often be seen in scoliosis improvements. Because an adjustment also helps strengthen and retrain muscles, your child’s posture would be expected to improve as well.

If you think your child may have scoliosis we recommend that you bring them in so we can provide an evaluation and determine if we think we can help.

Isn’t a Certain Amount of Sideways Curvature Considered Normal?

No, any type of sideways curvature is abnormal. From the back, the spine should appear straight. When a person has scoliosis, there are typically two curves: a primary curve in one direction and a compensatory curve in the other direction.

When Does Scoliosis Require Medical Care?

There is some disagreement among experts on when scoliosis needs to be addressed medically. The majority of surgeons recommend surgery only when the spinal curvature is at or beyond 40 degrees. For small curves (those between 10-25 degrees) care is not considered to be necessary.

Do Heavy Backpacks Cause Scoliosis?

Not necessarily; however, this is a growing concern. It’s important to make sure that your child uses both shoulder straps on their backpack so the weight is evenly distributed. It’s also a good idea to weigh their backpack, ensuring it doesn’t exceed 10% -15% of their body weight.

Book an Appointment

If you or your child has scoliosis, we want to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.



Scoliosis Treatment Fitchburg, WI | Body Wave Chiropractic