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Office News and Circadian Rythms

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Happy Spring!

There’s been a lot happening around the office lately:

orchid on tableMarch is our annual friends and family referral opportunity (BLOOM). We still have one spot open so if you know someone who would be interested in a complimentary first visit, have them call us.

In February we did a Body Wave Water Challenge: figuring out your daily amount and tracking it for a couple weeks. It was fun doing this with you guys! We overheard lots of positive comments like having
less pain and more energy. Congrats to Lily, Heather, and Ruth – winners of our new Body Wave water bottles.

Our two in-office classes are up and running: Intro to Network Chiropractic and SRI Breathing (first and third Tuesdays of the month). The intro class shows how light touch chiropractic works, and what you can do for better results. It’s also a nice option for people who want to find out more before making an appointment. SRI breathing classes – we meet for about an hour and practice together. We’d love to
have you join us!

Another focus I’ve felt called to explore lately is brainstorming with other practitioners to create community through wellness events (anyone else looking for health-oriented, positive events to do with like-minded people, in real life, or is it just me??). Marcy (That Zen Farm) and I are creating a May workshop at her farm where we’ll work with the horses to develop our own somatic (body) awareness
(which can help stress and anxiety). Stay tuned for date, time and details.

I’ve been happy to be receiving the benefits of NetworkSpinal chiropractic, too! Many of you know I usually have to drive quite a ways (or fly) for my own care. Recently, my friend, colleague and awesome NS doc Katie and I came up with a better plan: we now meet halfway between our practices to adjust each other. We’ve found a friendly hotel in Rockford, IL, where they let us set up a portable table in a back hallway. So grateful to have my drive time to her practice cut in half, and be getting more regular care. (She’s also who I’d recommend for any of your friends and family in Skokie/ Chicago)

My focus for health lately:

With the longer days and having more light in the mornings, I’ve been thinking about how to enhance circadian (daily) rhythms in my brain and body. When these ‘settings’ are dialed in, it can help us be really awake and energized during the day, and also fully shut down and get restorative sleep at night.

Deep, restorative sleep is not my natural setting. I have to work at it. So I’ve been considering this as spring is here and it’s easier to get outside. In some ways, it’s been a rough winter for me: I’ve been sick twice, and that’s very rare for me. Thinking about, how do I build my reserves? I know dialing in really good sleep is a part of that.

Lately, I’ve been up early walking in my neighborhood, getting morning sunlight as often as possible. And reducing bright computer and phone light later in the evening. Here’s a good podcast that talks about how light influences health. Andrew Huberman (Huberman Lab podcast) considers “viewing morning sunlight to be in the top five of all actions that support mental health, physical health, and performance.”

Let me know what you’re up to with your health, and anything you’ve been drawn to discover this Spring. Enjoy these warmer days as we gear up for all the yard work ahead.

See you in the office,
Dr. Laura

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