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Laura's thoughts on Family Wellness Month

Hey Body Wave Community,
May is Family Wellness Month!

It definitely sounds important. Now… what is it and how do we get there? First things that may come to mind: eat less junk food, exercise more, and hope you don’t get sick. But there’s more to it, and it can be simple. I’ll share a few healthy things from the way I grew up on a dairy farm.

And talk about how some families use chiropractic as a foundation to put all the other healthy stuff on top. There were a lot of healthy things that came along with life on our small dairy farm tucked against the Sugar River in Brooklyn.

● Microbiome: my twin brother and I went to the barn every day with mom when she did chores. She put hay
bales together to make a play pen, and there we hung out in all that glorious dirt (scientists now believe that an
‘overly antibacterial’ childhood can miss the chance to build healthy gut bacteria, which helps you later on).

● Natural food: We had to grow food, didn’t have the money for fast food or sodas. By default, we were eating
pretty clean.

● Outside time: Granted, this could be a factor of growing up in the 70s/ 80s more than life on a farm, but we
were expected to get out of the house. No screens. I remember seeing a friend’s Atari ping pong game for the
first time on their TV: I thought it was the. most. boring thing.

● Community: we had neighbors to play baseball with, a little country church where everyone knew each other,
we went to a small school, and of course had to work together on the farm.

A lot of this healthy, natural stuff was decided for us because of how and where we lived.

But today if we just go with the flow of what’s out there, sadly I think we’re set up to fail in a lot of ways (this is my
thought every time I walk into a gas station and see the ‘food’ that’s available).

Now more than ever, we need:

● Clarity on what Family Wellness means
● For it not to feel overwhelming, take too much time, or be too difficult
● Results – simple, powerful and effective

What systems, structures in place and what actions you’ll take, to help this manifest?

For chiropractic to be part of this, it helps to see what your options are:
Chiropractic provides a missing foundational piece for a lot of families: brain, nerve system, and spine optimization
(via gentle chiro care) on an ongoing basis.

● Your body stays feeling good, BUT also stays healthier, stronger, with better recovery, and more adaptable to
whatever’s coming your way
● People tend to need less help from medical system
● Kids have an ‘unfair advantage’ when handling life. Then put the good things on top of that healthy brain/ nerve/ spine foundation: how you eat, move, think, rest, detox, sleep, community, purpose, fun, helping others, etc.!

And those lifestyle pieces you do on your own should be easier when built on that strong foundation.
A lot of people don’t know this is an option (I had to learn this too).

But more families are exploring regular chiropractic to help their families stay healthy.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and please reach out if this idea is new to you and you’d like to discuss specific questions about how this could apply to your family.


Stay healthy!
Dr. Laura

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