Help for Focus Issues at Body Wave Chiropractic

woman looking at the computerDo you or your child struggle to stay on task? Find it challenging to focus when reading? You’re definitely not alone. Let’s look at a culprit behind focus challenges: stress.

When exposed to prolonged stress, the body experiences a significant alteration in hormonal balance, particularly an increase in stress hormones. These hormones are critical in how they modify the brain’s functioning, particularly in the frontal lobes.

The frontal lobes normally help you with planning, clear thinking, and executive functions—capabilities that articulate the best version of ourselves. Under stress, these areas are deactivated, and brain activity shifts towards the hindbrain, an evolutionarily older, more reactive region that manages basic survival functions.

Consequences of Long-Term Stress

In scenarios of short-lived stress, this shift might be beneficial, heightening awareness and readiness. However, prolonged stress compromises the brain’s ability to focus and form new memories—a state some refer to as “squirrel brain” or “shiny object syndrome.” This shift is not conducive to productivity or learning and can significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life.

Resetting Stress for Better Focus

Brain function changes when we reset the stress in your nerve system and help your brain and body come out of fight/flight. It becomes easier to pay attention, to see the bigger picture, and to feel at ease letting your attention rest on one thing without internal stress pulling you away. It becomes more enjoyable and efficient to handle your day.
Dr. Laura

She uses techniques like NetworkSpinal adjustments, which can be used precisely to slow down a brain that’s processing too fast. These adjustments improve the brain’s information-processing ability, allowing for better focus and task management.

Practical Tips to Enhance Focus

Chiropractic Adjustments

Getting chiropractic care, specifically NetworkSpinal adjustments, can significantly impact children and adults with hyperkinetic disorders such as ADHD, OCD, and others. These adjustments help “pump the brakes” on the overactive parts of the brain, promoting a more focused and calm mental state.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Beyond chiropractic care, certain lifestyle changes can bolster brain health and improve focus:

  • Deep Breathing Exercises: These can alter the CO2/O2 balance, significantly affecting brain function and focus.
  • Blood Sugar and Inflammation: Optimizing diet to manage blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation can also enhance cognitive function.
  • Balance Exercises: Engaging in activities that improve physical balance can also activate neural pathways critical for focus.

Take the First Step Toward Better Focus

If you or your child are struggling with focus issues, contact Body Wave Chiropractic today to book an appointment with Dr. Laura.


Help for Focus Issues Fitchburg, WI | Body Wave Chiropractic